Saturday, July 13, 2024

On the failed assassination attempt of President Donald Trump

It has been reported, I can't say how reliably, that the would-be assassin was an antifa member. It is essential that we Americans make every effort to confine our response to these events toward other antifa members to no more than shunning them ... AND NOTHING MORE!

Thankfully, per early reports from the Pennsylvania hospital that Trump received medical care from afterwards, Pres. Trump seems to have survived with relatively minor gunshot wounds. The early imagery looks like he was shot in the right side of his head at the point his right ear joins his skull. The lack of blood visible in his hair around the wound site makes it seem the bullet travelled entirely through the gristle the upper portion of his right ear consists of, instead of his brain.

Vote for who you like, but reject as violently as necessary any and every attempt to deny us our opportunity to express our political choice.


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